Celebrating 50 years of creating welcoming experiences at our parks!

Sierra Speaker Series: Lansford Hastings and His Association with the Donner Party: A Reappraisal
A free educational program about reassessing the reputation of the author who wrote the guidebook the Donner Party referred to.

Sierra Speaker Series: Wolves Return to the Sierra Nevada
A free educational program about wolves returning to the Sierra Nevada.

Sierra Speaker Series: The King of Pines in Peril
A free educational program about the reintroducing Sugar Pines program.

Sierra Speaker Series: Rethinking and Mitigating Wildfire Risk in a Warming World
A free educational program about fire and climate change.

Sierra Speaker Series: An Overview of Water Management at Donner Lake
A free educational program about water management at Donner Lake.

Sierra Speaker Series: Living Alongside Black Bears: And the Power We Have to Keep Them Wild
A free educational program about our role living alongside black bears.

Sierra Speaker Series: John C. Frémont - “The Great Pathfinder” Who Led Wilderness Expeditions to Open Settlement of the American West
A free educational program presented through an engaging reenactment of American Legacy, John C. Frémont.

Sierra Speaker Series: Legacy Day’s Washoe Tribe Stories
A free educational program about the stories from the Washoe Tribe.

Sierra Speaker Series: After the Iron Road
A free educational program about the stories of known workers on the first Transcontinental Railroad.

Sierra Speaker Series: "John Snowshoe Thompson" America West's First and Greatest Endurance Athlete
A free educational program about Snowshoe Thompson