Be a Park Champion
By making a monthly or yearly gift, receive perks such as discounts on event tickets and at the park store, and more!
(Pardon our dust. We are updating our donation forms, and some options may be temporarily unavailable.)
Pay by Check
Make checks payable to Sierra State Parks Foundation. Please include any desired special instructions for the donation and mail to:
Sierra State Parks Foundation
P.O. Box 28
Tahoe City, CA 96145

Heidi Doyle, Senior Consultant and past Executive Director
“I am grateful for supporters and donors who believe in our ability to achieve defined objectives that are the heart and soul of SSPF. They bring us energy to move forward through ongoing challenges.”
Support a Project
(Pardon our dust. We are updating our donation forms, and some options may be temporarily unavailable.)
The Donner Project
Help finish out the project to build a community space honoring the land’s and people’s legacy.
Vikingsholm Forever Endowment Fund
Established in 2019, this fund helps ensure operations and restoration projects of this Lake Tahoe historic icon for generations to come.
Hellman-Ehrman Estate Endowment Fund
Preserve Tahoe History…forever! Support restoration projects such as boathouse repair, re-plastering of the mansion, and landscape restoration.
Bear Box Art
A wonderful partnership with local artists to beautify the community and support parks.
Memorial Bench
Donate a memorial park bench and ensure that your loved one’s memory lives on so that many more generations can enjoy our Sierra State Parks.
More Ways to Give
Looking to make an impact in the parks you love with your minimum distribution?
Wills, Bequests, and Trusts
Including Sierra State Parks Foundation in your will or a trust is an easy way to ensure our Tahoe CA State Parks’ future without affecting your income during your lifetime. You can choose to leave Sierra State Parks Foundation a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or the balance remaining after distributions have been made to other beneficiaries.
Retirement Funds
Naming Sierra State Parks Foundation as the beneficiary of a retirement plan such as a 401(k), 403(b), IRA, or profit-sharing pension plan allows your hard-earned savings to avoid taxes and be put to their fullest use to benefit the parks.
It takes only 3 easy steps to complete:
Request a change-of-beneficiary form from your plan administrator.
List Sierra State Parks Foundation as a nonprofit organization beneficiary using our Tax ID #94-2538013.
Return the completed form to your plan administrator and send a copy to Michael Myers at Sierra State Parks Foundation at PO Box 28, Tahoe City, CA 96145, or email us at info@sierrastateparks.org.
Life Insurance
You can transfer your policy ownership to Sierra State Parks Foundation, making a generous and meaningful gift through an asset you and your family may no longer need — and your gift will be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. You can name Sierra State Parks Foundation as the primary beneficiary of your life insurance policy or as contingent beneficiary should your other beneficiaries not survive you.
What is the process?
Request a change-of-beneficiary form from your insurance provider.
List Sierra State Parks Foundation as a nonprofit organization beneficiary using our Tax ID #94-2538013.
Return the completed form to your plan administrator and send a copy Sierra State Parks Foundation at PO Box 28, Tahoe City, CA 96145, or email us at info@sierrastateparks.org.
At death, the benefits pass to Sierra State Parks Foundation free of federal estate tax. You can also irrevocably donate your paid-up life insurance policy – please contact us directly about making this type of gift.
Sierra State Parks Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. EIN: 94-2538013.