Historic Garden Report - Major Milestone Hit!

What began in 2014 continues today. Sierra State Parks Foundation's goal is to restore the gardens at the Hellman-Ehrman Mansion and Vikingsholm Castle to the pre-1965 conditions (but better!). 

In 2014, the foundation contracted professionals to produce a report with the gardens' analyzed conditions and recommendations. Visitors can see the fruits of the labor with the completed historic garden in front of the Hellman-Ehrman Mansion, as well as mixed results from the sodded roofs at Vikingsholm (more on this later).

The completed garden at Sugar Pine Point State Park features perennial and native plants, BMPs, and a brand new irrigation system to conserve water and reduce runoff into the lake. The next goal is to restore the small planting area by the pier. 

Going back to the roofs in the Vikingsholm's courtyard, there are two sodded roofs. One was very successful and the other not so much. Research and action have been taken this summer; the contractors have added plugs so hopefully, bu next summer, we will have wildflowers on the roof!

Sierra State Parks Foundation would like to thank its wonderfully supportive donors and A Thyme to Plant for making all of this possible!



Vikingsholm Leaded Glass Panel Repair


Fashions of the 1870s to 1890s: All About the Caboose